Limerick, Ireland
Conor McFeely, Hidden Dips, 2004, two-channel video and audio DVD, 5 minutes 46 seconds

Conor McFeely


The title and basic concept for this work was suggested by the road sign for hidden dips used in the Republic of Ireland, warning traffic of invisible depressions and hollows in the road ahead. The warning in this instance can be read metaphorically and literally. The work can be seen as a study of place in psychological, socio-political and geographical contexts. The work reflects an interest in the genres of science-fiction writing and cinema, and road movies. Implicit in certain examples of both genres are the notions of the pursuit of meaning and the desire for transformation. The idea of bad-trip is implicit in the work and never far from the surface. The present-day footage has been cut with imagery from World War 2, and suggests both travel across place and time as well as the ruminations of consciousness. Events unfolding within the work, though taken from the past, refer to possible unseen futures, hidden in the dips ahead.

(Text: OPEN e v + a catalogue, 2005)

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